Don't worry - I have definitely NOT forgotten about the weight-loss war. I've actually been working pretty hard at it. I'm not seeing any CHANGE, but what else is new. Everything post-kiddo is saggy and bumpy and lumpy and, well, just....just not nice! hahaha And I KNOW I'm my worst critic, and I KNOW I look at least fine if not good, ESPECIALLY having had a kid - some people never bounce back at ALL, and I KNOW it doesn't matter if my boobs sag and my thighs clap when I walk (I grew up wearing shorts under all my skirts and dresses so my legs wouldn't rub, slap, or get stuck together - how do people exist in a skirt without shorts?? I swear it canNOT be done!
I haven't weighed myself in a while, I just totally cut-out 'sugar' (i.e. dessert type-stuff, fruit snacks, pop - which I almost never drink anyway; I mean, it just makes you thirstier and FATter soooo....what's the POINT? - I didn't have any cake or ice cream or cupcakes on Little Miss' birthday, and
I MADE THE ICING - yeah, that was a big one - I can eat a whole 'can' of icing with a spoon....I LOVE icing - not even a taste!!) and I've upped the running either in distance or intensity - sometimes there's too much going on and I don't have time for a 'long' run, so I run HARDER. That's been going well. I think I forgot to post my run distance yesterday, but I DID run.
Anyway, and now I'm at school. Back to school. This semester's going to kill me BUT in the meantime I've scheduled different gym-dates throughout the week! Mondays I'll (finally!) be back running with Mi - we plan to do 10K each time as we each have HUGE breaks in the middle of our Mondays, and Tuesdays and Thursdays our buddy The Jedi has agreed to drag me to the gym and put me through some pretty intense resistance training. He's CONVINCED he can make me 'skinny' and I work harder with someone looking over my shoulder (or barking in my face, whichever it may be...) so I'm SUPER excited about that. PLUS I'll get my workouts,for a good part of the week, done at school so it doesn't take away from the ever-so-precious time I have at home with Little Miss and Mr. Man - HOORAY!!
Now, I started this post today to tell you about today. Not just to ramble on. Of course, being me, that was the ramble. Now, for today.
Today, finally, The Jedi and I have figured out our schedules and have planned to workout from 12-1. So I get up in the morning, eat breakfast, help Little Miss finish writing her thank-you-for-the-daycare-birthday-party thank-you cards, and get ready for school - throw on some clothes, pack my gym bag, grab stuff to shower "do" my hair (a hairband - SO high maintenance, I know). I made my lunch, and was in the throws of putting the final touches on my ready-for-the-day-ed-ness when....
Mr. Man found a leak in the ceiling of the basement, RIGHT over his workspace - water dripping down off the ceiling onto his desk - thankfully just on some papers and NOT his computer equipiment!! So THEN HE'S busy cleaning up, tracking down the leak, Little Miss is busy being a two-year old, and I'm suddenly trying to fill my 40oz water bottle, pack everything into ONE bag, and RUSH out the door. I got a movie on for the kiddo, kissed everyone goodbye, grabbed my bag, turned and...
What did I DO?! I hadn't even left the HOUSE yet and I did SOMETHING to my poor achy back that severely impeded my ability to get down the stairs at the front of the house and into my car.
I drove to school in immense pain, grabbed my back, and walked to class. The walking seemed to help, but I got to class, sat beside The Jedi and just looked at him. Dude, low-back pain. Like, low back
PAIN. BUT I was so desperate to workout with him we said we'd meet at noon and see how it was.
Well, at noon, I was functional, but still hurt. So off to the gym to do the most intense everything-but-my-back workout - amazing how much I was able to do, actually, without feeling compromised by the searing pain at the base of my spine - and actually the movement felt good. If something hurt, we didn't do it. But I lifted more on the bench press (which is EMBARRASSING as all-get-out - MAN those were diddly little weights on there!) than I probably ever have EVER - he pushed me HARD. And when I was completely done, couldn't lift it any more, he made me doe it a bunch more times.
It was intense. In the shower afterward I felt like I couldn't raise my hands to my face to wash the sweat off - I just bent my arms up as high as they go and shrugged my neck on down to meet them half-way!
And now I sit here. Waiting another hour and a quarter before my next class and I am SO SO SO SO uncomfortable. I just want to go home and lie in bed with a heat pack or something on my back. The longer I sit here the worse it hurts. I tried to stand up a while ago to walk my banana peel off to the garbage can and almost fell over into the table it hurt so bad. Then I had to use my rubber-feeling arms to lift myself up.
Any RMTs around who want to volunteer their services to a desperate 4th year, mother-of-one, university student? I make great chocolate chip cookies!! ;)