Why I'm running Grapes of Wrath

Some of my Facebook friends and family already know I've signed up to do a 5k obstacle course race at the beginning of July.

I'm nervous, but I'm always nervous when I do new things, so that's nothing to get knotted up about.  And I'm training.  Hard.  I'm getting to kickboxing 2-3 times per week PLUS an extra training sesison Saturday mornings including a run and usually a circuit, JUST to prep us for the race.  Obviously people train way harder than I am, but just over three months ago I was ginormously preggers with my Mini Miss and I'm studying for a giant test. So yeah. I'm training pretty hard.

So here's how it came about:

I was at the dojo for kickboxing, and Sensei announced that he was running the Grapes of Wrath and "we" were putting a team together so DO IT.  And I thought...I could do that.

So I signed up.

It's an epic tale, isn't it?

Here's why I'm really doing it, though.

The Grapes of Wrath race is put on by the Canadian Cancer Society to garner support for their efforts in the battle against cancer.  All cancers.  Brain cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, fingernail cancer... if it's cancer, they want it gone.

You may recall I recently lost an acquaintance to her cancer battle. It was a heart-wrenching experience watching her battle.  And LOSE.  I did not expect that.  And I haven't written before, but I have a young, extended "family" member who spent the last year battling the nastiest brain tumour... watching her go from a vibrant, active, honestly annoyingly upbeat little girl into a wheelchair-bound sickly specimen has not been easy, ESPECIALLY for our dear friends who love her so so so much.

But really, I'm self-centred enough that these two amazing examples wouldn't be enough on their own, for me. When things come up that are unfortunate but don't really affect us Mr Man and I have a habit of shrugging and muttering "S-E-P" to each other - someone else's problem. It's our way of laughing off negativity and keeping ourselves from overextending, but now, reflecting on the horrors of illness it feels heartless and embarrassing. And naive. It may be SEP today, but maybe not tomorrow.

When my friend was still with us for a time we thought she had completely beat her cancer. Or at least, I did. She was finished treatment, had a mastectomy, grew her hair back, and resumed her life as the vivacious, fabulous woman she had always been. But she spent a bit more time raising awareness about cancer, wearing daffodils, pink ribbons,  and leading cancer-fighting groups in exercise to try and help ward off the negativity in our bodies that mutates and turns on us. 

During that period last year some of her sons competed in the Tough Mudder obstacle race. I was pregnant and jealous of their ability to even attempt to compete in such a physically demanding event, and she was on the rehabilitative road back to being able to train her body hard. We looked at each other and said "next year." Next year we were going to work our bodies hard, train like crazy, and run the Tough Mudder.

She died a week before Mini Mss was born. We weren't able to train. We will never run the Tough Mudder together. 

So now that I can I feel like I HAVE to. The Grapes of Wrath is no Tough Mudder, but it has a purpose. It's a race to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society, to beat cancer. Because cancer sucks. And because my friend can't run it I have to. 

I run this race for her. 

My understanding is that while the Canadian Cancer Society wants to eradicate cancer, the donations from the Grapes of Wrath don't go directly to cancer research, but to another amazing program: Wheels of Hope. If you know someone with cancer you may know he or she can't just go to the local hospital, necessarily, to get the appropriate treatments to save/extend/better his or her life. Chemotherapy isn't a run-of-the-mill hospital thing, necessarily. Here I've watched the mother of a little girl with a brain tumour post on Facebook almost weekly, for a year, looking for anyone with a kind heart, a car, and some spare time, to drive to another city to get her daughter to her appointments for her treatment. 

Well, the Candian Cancer Society has a program for just such a situation. I don't know how it works, I don't know if this mom was ever able to take advantage of it, but I DO know from watching this family, that there is definitely a need. A need for rides! Of all things, I would never ever EVER think of that. And the Grapes of Wrath is to fund the program that provides rides, so these darling people can get to their treatments. 

And so, I'm running for her, too. Because while I haven't been able to provide a ride directly, I can do this so maybe someone else can.

A couple of you wonderful people have already donated to sponsor my run. I didn't set my goal very high because I know there are SO many amazing, wonderful causes out there worthy of your donations. And most of my family and acquaintances already donate large sums through ecclesiastical organizations that are then used in all sorts of wonderful areas to enrich so many in incredible humanitarian ways. 

But if you haven't, and you can, please donate just a little bit. Help someone get the treatment he or she needs. Help me remember my friend and make as big an impact for good as I can while I do it. Help the Canadian Cancer Society run its programs and maybe exceed its fundraising goals so that extra funds can be channelled directly into ending this horrible illness' hold on humanity. 

And regardless of whether or not you can donate, take two seconds to share this post around and help me spread the word. Help us make a difference. Please. 

You can donate directly online here

Thanks so much for reading, and for the support, always. 

See you at the finish line!

Friday Schmiday

It's a grey day outside today. Which is great for my gardens.

But I'm feeling today about the same as the weather looks. Just... blech.

Which is great, because Little Miss has a day off school, so I should be tapping into my super-mommy instead of trying not to keel over and die... Sigh.  Irony, right?

Glad I ended up at kickboxing last night, though, instead of planning to go tonight.  I can take the night off and not feel guilty!

I don't normally go on Thursdays, just sometimes. But while waiting for Little Miss to finish her jiu jitsu class yesterday (my baby girl is a red belt! She pulled this thing on my arm the other day...kid's got skillz!) Sensei sort of TOLD me I was going to the adult jiu jitsu class....

Grading for her red belt a few months ago

Getting ready to show off her skillz to Sensei and see if she passes to the next belt level!

Watching the other graders
(we're not as cute in the adult classes as the kiddos are)

...so I ended up going to my first ever jiu jitsu class last night.

It was...interesting.  I think if I can check my stinking anxiety I might actually really enjoy it.  Last night Sensei taught me and two other noobs some basic self-defense and take downs (I have no idea terminology in this uh, "sport"...like, is it a sport or a martial art or both or...???) which was kind of cool.. the challenge then is practicing it often enough that it's automatic and actually useable in the case of an attack by Creepy Bob or whatever.  But it's pretty stinking awesome.  And crazy...Little Miss already knows this stuff! She's staying in jiu jitsu FOREVER! hahaha

Since it was an instructional evening it wasn't overly taxing, physically (my poor brain was spinning like mad...) so I called Mr. Man and decided to stay for kickboxing, too, so I didn't have to go back out again tonight.

Which means...I get to totally CRASH and do NOTHING tonight.

Except maybe some work.  And some studying.  And some laundry. And dishes. And take care of the baby. And...and....and...........


Pray that I'm up for the incredibly busy day we have scheduled for tomorrow - training in the morning, followed by viewing a couple of houses (we're starting the hunting-for-a-new-house process, though we're probably about a year away from actually getting it done), followed by Little Miss going to fight class, followed by Niagara Falls COMIC-CON to meet ADAM FREAKING WEST!! THE man who first started my adoration of the Caped Crusader when I was little. SO EXCITED!!

Well, as excited as I can be in this haze of ick that's hovering over me right now.... fingers crossed I can rally.

Check back - hopefully we're lucky enough to snap a family picture or two at ComicCon....

And yes, in case you didn't already know, I'm a huge nerd. ;-)

Time to wake up!

Hi, there!  No, I haven't forgotten about blogging, it's just been a little busy. With Mini Miss, studying, working, and these other two minions I live with, sometimes life just gets a little bit away from me.  And when there's so much to be done some of the stuff I love doing just for me gets shoved to the side.

Anyway.  Here I am!

And I'm doing okay.  Detox ended a little while ago, to great success; I fit in pants that were painful at the beginning, can button up blouses again, and am quite comfortably in my pre-pregnancy fat pants hahaha

And I'm doing....okay.  Some days are better than others. I must admit I give myself too many allowances, I think, between not wanting to be high-maintenance when eating with others and the fact that I'm breastfeeding Mini Miss... it's increasingly rare for me to make it through an entire day eating the way I'm supposed to be eating.

Which, honestly, is NOT okay.  hahaha

Because while I know I am sporting some SERIOUS post-baby muffin top... I don't always FEEL like I'm a fatty.

And then...I see this...

Yeah...that's not the dress bulging out to the side like that...

And then I go on Facebook and see this, from last night's kickboxing class:

Can you find me? Goodness, how can you NOT find me! Itty bitty head on a giantess of a body!  hahaha (Fun fact, side note: The gal on the right in this pic, in the black tank top? Totally just competed in a body builder competition...it's insane! To prep she literally worked out four+ hours per day and was on the STRICTEST diet EVER... she said it was basically like having a whole second job... WOWZERS. Not recommending, just...neat!) 

Soo....I'm a bit horridly embarrassed. And disappointed in myself. But then I think, I'm pretty sure I'm working harder to get back to ME this time than I did with Little Miss aaaand....it's a LOT HARDER the second time around. At least on this body.  And I need a kick in the butt. Because, honestly, I can't afford NOT to lose the weight; all of my summer clothes are from when I was THIN before I got pregnant and we, quite frankly, can't spend the money on my acquiring an entire new fat wardrobe just to survive the summer. 


So, that's that for now. I'm done my daily scheduled "me" time and have to get to work. I'll try to keep tabs on myself... I need to be honest with me and not let my brain take over and tell me lies on either end of the spectrum: yes-you-can-eat-that-croissant-it's-not-that-big-a-deal; wow-you're-hideously-fat-and-should-never-eat-again... ;-)  Nope, I'm going to TRY to keep myself in check in reality. ...I may need some help with that... hahaha 

And now, to work!  Happy Wednesday, folks! 