Mi's trying to kill me...

QUICK post today - I'm sitting in class but we're on a five minute break and I figured I'd take the opportunity to get you updated on the day before I find myself too busy tonight (I'm finally going to see my Edward with the ladies!)

Ran 5K with Mi. I had a new and disgusting experience part way through as I slightly puked part way through - one of those gross little ones you gag up and swallow and then you're stuck with the disgusting burning taste in your mouth and throat?? Yeah, what the heck?? DISGUSTING. AND with only 8 laps to go I could feel my breath just slipping away, so I walked half a lap to recuperate. But even walking half a lap we did it in 32 minutes, and Mi ran an extra lap while I was walking, so apparently we were going faster than we usually do, though it felt like a snail's pace and like it was going to kill me.

AND I'm wearing jeans today definitely from pre-Little Miss, that last time I wore gave me serious muffin-top and weren't really move-in-able. Yeah, they're fine and dandy and like, comfy now. :) Definitely not loose, but there ya' go.

Back to class! :D

Feeling GOOD

Okay, well, I don't feel great right NOW actually, as it's quarter past midnight and I'm EXHAUSTED.... And everything I have to report relates to previous in the week with the exception of today's (now tomorrow's) exercise. SO...

Played an AWESOME game of soccer. SO much fun. Played the full game as we had no subs, and I was a force to be reckoned with, let me tell ya'! The opposing players were getting mad and frustrated at ME! I was awesome. hahaha

Wii Fit weighed myself. Are you READY for THESE stats??
Weight: 168.2 lbs
BMI: 27.03
Yes, that's right. I broke outta' the 170's. BOOM baby!! (Seriously, seeing how I was 225 at one point in my pregnancy - darned water retention - 168 is AMAZING. I feel all SORTS of hot!)

SATURDAY (meant to be today, except it's after midnight so it's yesterday...)
Ran the 5K at my parents' on the treadmill and got my time UNDER 32 minutes! hahaha Okay, so I was SO exhausted and feeling like death (Dad thought I was going to die listening to me 'breathing' as I ran) that the instant I hit the 5K mark I screamed for joy at having done it before the clock read 32:00 and I hit the power-off button before I took note of the EXACT time, which I immediately regretted. (Don't worry - I powered back up and did a proper cool-down....) Anyway, it wasn't MUCH under 32 minutes, like, I think we're talking 31:47 or something. ;) It's the number I picture when I close my eyes and relive the awesomeness.

And NOW I'm going to bed! Skinnier, or at least LIGHTER, and FASTER than a week ago! YAY! Ciao!


Didn't run yesterday but DID exercise - YAY! hahaha AND I had a total meltdown, too. It was awesome. I'm much better today.

I posted the other day that I've discovered I NEED to run because it releases all the angst and stress I build up in my body on a CONSTANT basis, and let me tell you, yesterday, was an angst-ridden day. Oy!

So yesterday afternoon, feeling like garbage (stressed to the max) I popped in a dvd I acquired in January to help fight off the baby-incubator-fat I'd PILED on. It's The Biggest Loser like, on DVD, and the trainers are INSANE. Anyway, I went through Bob's sick Cardio Max and got myself calmed down, all sweaty, and felt thin. hahaha

THEN Little Miss and I went to school to meet my group to work on a project. Yeah, if there was ever a dead-weight for a group project it's me in this one. OH MI GOSH. I don't understand the class even enough to have anything to contribute to the project. It's one of those ones I had a critical test in last week (I got an A on that; thank goodness for neuroANATOMY because neuroSCIENCE is kicking my trash) because I barely passed the midterm.... Anyway, combination of not having a clue what's going on and Little Miss SCREAMING her head off in the middle of the library full of students who are NOT parents trying to study and shooting us looks of what-the-HECK (I'm SORRY everybody! There was no way around it!!)and I don't even KNOW what else, I LOST it last night. Not 'till after Little Miss went to sleep and Mr. Man came home and I started talking about my day - then I seriously just flipped my lid. I sobbed like I don't remember having ever sobbed before, and you can ask anyone who's seen me - when I sob I hold NOTHING back.

So, TODAY I feel amazing. :) Weight lifted. I'm no closer to understanding the project or being an asset to my group but for whatever reason I'm A-okay anyway.

And tonight, soccer!! Wish us luck!

Back at it...sort of!

YES I've been busy lately. I have exercised some, but I'm not going to lie, it hasn't been any great accomplishment or anything. Even our soccer game last week was pathetic - we lost 10-0 against a team that definitely should not have been in our league, but that's besides the point.

FUNNY thing I've noticed now that I'm a 'runner' (HA!) - I NEED to run. I haven't regularly for a little while now and I can FEEL it - I get all tense and worked up and stressed, YES because I'm juggling too many things at once, but running takes me out of all that and I just like, pound it out in the run. It gets all my freaked-out-ed-ness and works it out. Anyway, so if you feel like you're going to die, add some STRENUOUS exercise to your life and see if it helps you breathe a bit.

Yoga's awesome for that, too, obviously. ;) And pilates. And especially, my favourite hybrid, yogilates!!

Well, after all that talk about how I need to run, today I met up with Mi to go for a run and apparently we had a LOT to just TALK about - we started our run off with a couple laps walking to warm up which turned into about an hour of walking. We realized about 30 minutes in what we'd done and picked up the walking pace a bit, not that we'd been going slowly at all, other than of course we were WALKING so we weren't setting any land-speed records. ANYWAY, just before the hour was up we did RUN, and I mean RUN 1 km - goal was to do it in 5 minutes or less and, sadly, I did it in 5:08. But WHOA what a weird feeling - my arms were like, tingling and all heavy feeling and I saw a few stars - Mi's guess is we probably used all our regular energy stores up with our super-walk and then we full on just started running - yeah, my body's not totally trained for that yet. ANYWAY. If we ever have another hour-long walk-rant again I'll shave off those eight seconds. I can do hard things! hahaha

I will get back on track the rest of the week, though I may not be able to get a run in (boo) unless I land at my parents' on the weekend, which is possible, so keep tabs on me!! IF not running, though, then something. Promise!!

Taking a break

Remember that huge list of school stuff I have to survive?? Well, I'm working on the list today and DYING for a break, so here I am. To give you an update - previously I had two papers and three tests to write/prepare for and I NOW have one paper and three tests to write and prepare for. hahaha I am actually really pleased to have the one paper done and handed in and out of the way and HOPING that whoever marks it thinks I did as awesome a job as I think I did, but the to-live-through list is still OH so high!!

I've written like, 1.25 pages of my next paper, which is to be 4-5 pages long. I figure since I've mostly been writing it when I'm ready to hit my head against the wall after studying for sport psych or neuroanatomy too long that I'm making great progress. AND it's not due until Tuesday afternoon, so I'm chugging along great, there.

Tomorrow's tests...well, they are the two that will either make or break my academic career, I think. I HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE to do EXTREMELY well on these tests, and i don't know if I'm going to pulli t off. I've been studying for HOURS cumulatively, so hopefully it pays off. And then I have a biomechanics midterm on Tuesday which I sadly haven't started studying for. Cross your fingers for me on that one.

BUT I haven't posted in the last couple of days about my activity levels, so surprisingly this post IS going to end up being on topic - and you thought I was just RAMBLING for no reason!!

LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of studying/researching for paper.
60 minutes yogilates (by the end of the night I was completely burnt out - I was going insane from studying all day. Mr. Man was so good and let me chillax on the mat - aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............)

Ran on Mom & Dad's treadmill (came over so Mr. Man would have extra hands to help juggle Little Miss while I hole up and study like a mad woman - I CANNOT play mommy this weekend! GAH! I'm SO ready to be done school!!) and actually finished my 5K, which after this slack-infested week I was pleased with. Brings the total for the week to...16K. I ran four times and only did 16K. GEEZE!! Oh well. AND last night I did my 5K in 32:47 - real easy to count exact time on a machine that does the counting for you....

Just a warning, this may end up being a horrid week for my running as my best times to fit runs in are Mondays and Tuesdays, and have I told you yet what I have on tomorrow and Tuesday?? ;)

Okay, BACK to the grindstone!! And WISH ME LUCK!

Free time filler

So I don't know what happened this week, but wonderfully I had three lectures and two labs cancelled due to profs and T.A.s being away at conferences and ONE case of hey-there's-a-test-coming-take-a-break!! SO I've had some "free time" to do things I wouldn't normally do...like finish homework, study, and/or fit in an extra run! It's been absolutely FANTASTIC!!

Oh, totally on another note, I learned what I thought was the coolest horrific thing today in a class I had that WASN'T cancelled. ;) Lemme go find it, hang on.....

OKAY, so I don't know how much sense this is going to make here, but I thought it was incredibly interesting. We were talking about Types I and II diabetes in class and how either the wonder-drug-hormone insulin OR the contraction of muscle (i.e. exercise) amps up the body's response to glycogen blah blah blah...but basically that muscle contraction (say it with me now - EXERCISE) is going to have the same or very very similar effect as an insulin injection to counter-act diabetes. Okay, crazy, eh? WELL, THEN we were told WHY doctors won't tell their patients this - can you BELIEVE your doctor wouldn't tell you that?? BASICALLY in the medical profession there's a push for "evidence-based-treatments", which sounds great to me, 'cause then I know my doctor has something backing up his claim, right? Right?? Well, maybe.... Evidence-based means that there has to have been some peer-reviewed study done and published and all what-not AND studying things costs money, of course. Well, hello, who the heck do you think pays for the studies? DRUG COMPANIES!!! So like, the only "evidence" for treatment your doctor has access to you cure what ails you is what the drug companies have paid for him to be able to tell you. They're obviously not going to pay to find out if exercise is going to cure your diabetes problem after a meal because that's going to put them out of insulin business - I'd DEFINITELY rather run than stick myself with needles. (I'm SO grateful not to have experienced diabetes and pray it stays that way!)

Okay, so you may have already known all that, but it just blew my mind to have it explained so horrifically clearly to me. That's why if you go to the hospital for a pain in your back they give you some pills to pop whereas if you go for a massage or chiropractic treatment you're actually going to have someone pay attention to the PROBLEM. GAH!

Ran with Mi, but I only lasted for 3K - previous to the run I'd been limping around campus with an incredible pain shooting through my back - that evil one that rears its head sometimes and I write about. ANYway, it was acting up and I didn't want to push it too far 'cause I had soccer tonight, so I stopped after 3 so as not to impair my ability to walk/limp back to my car. Did some yoga stretches though, which felt amazing in the painful area, so there we go.
Soccer - lost 2-1. I played like a bum for the first half, but then got my head in the game, I think. Tough team we played. Still fun, but lots of concentration needed, which makes it a slight bit less FUN and more effort, you know? Anyway. That's that.

Wii Fit measures:
Weight 173.1 lbs
BMI: 27.81

Down by threes

So yesterday we officially started the countdown to November 27th. Today is November 4th, so 23 days to go. PHEW.

That's the first decreasing number of the day.

The second was the number of minutes it took to run a particularly grueling 5K with Mi this afternoon sans water break or hyperventilation ;) - Mi's good for me - when I feel too tired to care about breathing (or living, for that matter) any longer and let my breath just GO she says nothing, but makes her breathing LOUD and SLOW to remind me to keep it together. PHEW! Anyway, shaved a minute and ran it in 32 minutes. (ALSO we need to give a great big shout out to Mi for running a 5K race on the weekend, finishing second in her age group and doing the darned thing in 26 minutes! HOLY FREAK! No WONDER she tuckers me out!!)

The THIRD are the numbers on the Wii Fit for my weight and BMI, down today from the last time I managed to get on to measure myself, 8 days ago, by 1.5lbs. Which I'm definitely okay with. :) According to the ease with which my clothes fit (i.e. the Gap 10)and the horribly encouraging comments from my family and friends when they see me it would appear that I lose size much more rapidly than I actually lose mass. I find it a bit weird, because my focus of late has been anything but strength-training, to try and attribute this phenomenon to increased muscle mass but... it is what it is. I don't KNOW what it is, but that's what it is. ;)

You may have guessed, I ran 5K. The WHOLE thing. No breaks, no stopping. I didn't go as fast on my last lap as I usually do but I was feeling pretty darned tuckered out by that point. Mi kept track of time for me, so if there's any discrepancies with it you can blame her. ;) hahaha

45 minutes yogilates - YAY! I went back to the shorter video for today - the full hour sounded daunting and I don't want to be daunted, PLUS it's been SO long I didn't want to push myself too hard with it and end up doing something silly - you can get yourself stuck in some pretty weird positions if you're not careful, so I opted for careful. AND you'll be happy to hear, I think, that it's as wonderful a workout as I remembered. Let's hope I can keep it up!!

Wii Fit measures:
Weight: 173.7 lbs (which makes a whopping total of 5.8 lbs down since we started our little project here, though if you count from my HEAVIEST point since we started I've lost more than that... ;))
BMI: 27.92.

And that, my friends, is that for today! :D It's late and I'm going to go to BED!

Counting down...

Today is November 3rd. Classes for this semester are finished on November 27th. I officially declare that it's time to count it down: 24 days + finals to go.

If I can get through this next week and a half then I'm good to go! I have a paper due Thursday, another next Tuesday, two tests next Monday and another next Tuesday. SO five pretty big things coming up with time rapidly running short. I'm trying to get it all done and stay on top of everything, but if you know me at all, which some of you don't, this is going to be MUCH easier said than done!!

Is not near over yet, but as I'm going for maximizing my available time I figured I'd start my post for today now and finish it later. Which, I realize, I didn't really have to explain because I'm not going to actually hit "publish post" until I'm finished this evening, but there ya' go.

So, SO FAR today, I went for just a short run, 3.4km. I wasn't feeling it today, my back is bugging me and I have tonnes of other stuff to do!! The plan at this point is still, with all that stuff I have to do this week, to get my dear yogilates back in and strengthen/stretch out my poor lower back so it doesn't bug me so much when I'm running and playing soccer! (Dr. Rex thinks that my back pain is brought on by some weakness in my back which would be one reason why the yogilates was helping! TIME constraints!!)

Okay, back to class, and I'll fill you in on everything else LATAH! ;)

Bad news. Today has NOT played out as I hoped. I didn't mention but over the weekend we had some furnace trouble and so poor Mr. Man has been home today dealing with different people in and out of the house giving quotes and gathering information to replace the furnace. Anyway, I got out of my motor control class early, came home hoping to grab a small bite 'cause I was starving and use my free hour to squeeze in yogilates, but poor Mr. Man seemed so overloaded with information he had to spew it all out on me, which stressed ME out because I was trying to squeeze stuff in the small space in time anyway....AND yogilates didn't happen. I figured that's okay, I'll do it when Little Miss goes to bed. Anyway, Little Miss for goodness only knows WHAT reason tonight, didn't get to bed 'till like, an hour and a half after bed time, and by that time my nerves were completely shot (and in desperate need of calming yogilates!!!) and I was doing homework (see above - I HATE these dumb assignments! Useful assignments are fine and dandy. Dumb ones are dumb.) and then Mr. Man and I got in a "heated discussion" and NOW it's 10:06 and I really don't think it will be good for my tonight's happiness-going-to-bed-next-to-Mr.-Man-ness if I spend the next hour working out instead of, well, something more the-two-of-us-ish.

Tomorrow, please try to hold me accountable for yogilates and a Wii Fit measure - I haven't done that since...I don't remember, but I'm sure you can find it sometime in October! hahaha

Here, though, is a pic, though not of the jelly doughnut, and not uber recent - from my birthday weekend.

I think a little progress, at least, is visible! :) (Don't say it's not 'cause that'll just be mean!)