Holy Accomplishment, Batman!

Okay, sooooo forEVER now I've thought to myself I'd love to be able to run 5 miles. 5 miles. Someone told me once that if I run 5 miles three times a week I'd be able to eat whatever the heck I want and weight would just FALL off of me.

Knowing what I do NOW as opposed to THEN that could be a ridiculous claim BUT I've still always held on to the 5 miles thing in the back of my brain.

.....FIVE MILES.....

That's friggin 8 kilometers. The most I've ever run is 6. How the heck am I going to run 8?!?!

Well......I JUST DID IT!!


Shop Girl* said...


Bravo said...

awwww yeah...

Red said...

THANKS, guys!! :)

I AM amazing!

...notice how I didn't post how LONG it took....??? ;) hahahaha

JAC Photography said...

Thats soooo incredible!!! I am so jealous! way to go!!

MrsSuzyQ said...

Congratulations!! I can't wait to get there. I'm up to 1.75 miles. I was watching the biggest loser couples and they had to run 13.1 miles. I was so impressed with the determination they had too.