Holy exhaustion, Batman!

OY! Who decided that ending finals was a good idea? I've been run off my FEET today!! HOLY!!

I spent the day working on organizing my incredibly DISorganized (YES I know it's my fault they were so....a;ofae;fa;eof to begin with but come ON!) business financial information for my TAX RETURN (oh joy, and rapture) AND actually working ON the business, not to mention cleaning house, making food, chasing the kiddo (though I'll admit I took advantage of daycare today - thanks Neighbour!) AND putting in an hour and a half at church to help a friend lead a bunch of unruly boys through an activity. Oy oy oy.

BUT I said I'd report - today I ran 5K on Optimus prime, then played a surprisingly intense game of BUMP against an 11-year-old - there were other players but we were the last men standing.... - basketball (I'm sorry but I hate basketball), dodgeball, this game called 'Stones' which was a blast.... PHEW.


No more workies. :( Just sleepies. Ahhhhhh........sleepies......

Male or Female?

OHMIGOSH I'm done. I'm DONE!! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Oh, I can't even tell you how amazing it feels. WOW.

I finished writing my finals today. I'm SO ready to MOVE ON!! hahaha Well...for a few months, anyway. Just one more year to go - this time next year I'll be finishing my LAST EVER finals. I've been in school since before kindergarten - it's SO time to be finished. Yikes. Honestly, I don't know how NOT to be a student!!

ANYWAY, so last week was great for running, but on the weekend this cold, still lingering from like, two weeks ago, flared up enough that I needed a couple days off PLUS I had my last two finals to study for, so no go this week so far. I'll have something to report tomorrow, though. Promise. I'm feeling better (enough) and DONE SCHOOL so no excuses!!

TODAY, though I thought I'd share something I got from my mom in my e-mail right before heading out to write an exam a couple weeks ago and I just LAUGHED! MAYBE because I was going nuts from too much studying (that happens to me - ask Mr. Man - I just get to a point where I go absolutely LOONY) but I LOVED it. And now share it for your pleasure. :)


Freezer Bags

They are male, because they hold everything in, but you can see right through them.


These are female, because once turned off it takes a while to warm them up again. They are an effective reproductive device if the right buttons are pushed, but can also wreak havoc if you push the wrong buttons.


Tires are male, because they go bald easily and are often overinflated.

Hot Air Balloons

Also a male object, because to get them to go anywhere, you have to light a fire under their butt.


These are female, because they are soft, squeezable and retain water.

Web Pages

Female, because they're constantly being looked at and frequently getting hit on.


Definitely male, because they always use the same old lines for picking up people.

Egg Timers

Egg timers are female because, over time, all the weight shifts to the bottom.


Male, because in the last 5000 years, they've hardly changed at all, and are occasionally handy to have around.

The Remote Control

Female. Ha! You probably thought it would be male, but consider this: It easily gives a man pleasure, he'd be lost without it, and while he doesn't always know which buttons to push, he just keeps trying

Jordan 5K

Okay, sorry this took a bit, but we had some technical difficulties with the photos... I know SOME of you, at least, have been itching for this post. Thanks, by the way, for the interest and support.

ANYWAY, Saturday just past Mi and I ran in a 5K. It was pretty intense. A wack-load of the runners were hanging around before the race wearing their Boston Marathon jackets and full-on it's-cold-outside running gear. I wore my only pair of running pants, unfortunately only half-length, and a long sleeved tee. I was pretty happy when they gave me my 'free' participation shirt and put it on for extra layers.... COLD COLD COLD!! Beautiful day, but it was cold.

Felt pretty inadequate, I have to say, being amongst all those serious runners, buuuut OH well!!

To START there was this great 1K race that was mostly kids and a few adults who've JUST taken up the sport. The kids were hilarious to watch - I can see it being something Little Miss could get into if I continue to race occasionally and she comes out to watch; she's such a little mimic. Anyway. It was great!

THEN it was our turn. The clock inched closer and closer to 10:00 and people started flocking towards the starting line. Some of the more serious competitors were running through the parking lot, warming up, dynamic stretching.... Mi was bouncing up and down to try to keep warm, and I was standing around feeling like a fish out of water. Soccer I can do. Running in a race?? SO not my thing....

We joined the horde at the starting line and ended up much nearer the front of the pack than I had anticipated/hoped, so I spent a few minutes waiting for the start dreading the oncoming stampede from behind. I even turned and suggested the two men behind me just shove me out of the way when at the start - they weren't really for my humour. Oy. (Lighten UP, people!) Real nerve calmer that little experience.

Then, much too soon, 10:00 - the start signal goes off. I wasn't ready. People TOOK off - Mi exploded off the ground like someone lit a fire under her rear - I kept pace with her for about 100m and then just LAUGHED and said to her there's no WAY and let her drift (read: speed) away from me. I was passed by SO many people in that first few moments, I should have probably just stopped at the side to let them all pass with ease, good GRIEF!

I ran along feeling tired and stiff and deflated with every person that flew past me - a LOT of people were passing me. I was passed continuously throughout the duration of the race. I can't imagine there was anyone left behind me with the numbers sailing by.

THEN we hit the 1K marker. ONE KILOMETER. I'd only run ONE kilometer. That meant there were FOUR left.

Oh someone please kill me now.

Then I thought this is ridiculous - I've run 5 kilometers oodles of times, and even 10 a few times - I can DO this. I hunkered down to finish the race.

Then passed the 2K mark.

What a JOKE. I felt like death. It was cold enough that my legs were frozen - I felt like I was continuously fighting to lift and plant two giant ice blocks one after the other. I couldn't believe how difficult it was to initiate each stride.

Each kilometer marker was just another slap in the face. Not there yet. I felt I was running as slow as molasses, people kept just running by.

I couldn't breathe. Without Mi I'd forgotten about my breathing. I was slow as ever and unable to breathe. And I had that cold earlier so when I DID get a big breath in I choked on the left-over phlegm from being sick, which left me sputtering for more air... I'm sure the droves of people passing me must of thought I sounded like I was going to die. A couple even stopped to encourage me on, probably worried they might be the one to witness my downfall and hoping not to have to stop their race to call the paramedics.

FINALLY I was in the last kilometer. I'd run 4, had one more to go. This is only 5 laps - I can run five so I stepped it up a little bit. Big mistake. Had to SERIOUSLY slow it up, catch what breath I could. I was barely shuffling my feet one in front of the other when this sweet little old lady caught up to me - she'd passed me once before and then I'd apparently turned it on too soon to finish - she stopped and stayed with me telling me what a good race I'd had and that it was almost done and I could do it. I laughed and told her I'd forgotten to breathe, and we carried on in silence, her presence helping me on.

THEN to the LAST leg, as we approached the final corner immediately before the finish line. "Okay, now, GO!" she told me, and I took off with what little I had left. I was passed in my last few seconds BUT looked up at the time clock over the finish line.

I was UNDER MY BEST TIME!! I'd run it FASTER than EVER!!! I DID IT!

Mi and her family were on the side cheering and hollering (she finished WELL before me, which was expected), and then it was over.

I felt like death.

But I did it!!

They used chip timer thingies (a little sensor around the ankle that senses when you cross the start point and the finish line) - I did it in 27:21. Previous best time 27:58. Out of women I came 91st out of 199, and in my age group (25-29) I came 12th out of 26.

I think I'm good for a while. I'll probably in time do another race, but I'm in no hurry.

I definitely have to work on the weight so I can look a little better in those sexy running pants of mine... ;)

Coming Soon....

I ran today.

I'll tell you ALL about it as soon as I get some pics from Mi - her mommy came and took our pictures as we (looked SUPER hawt) crossed the finish line....

I honestly think that was the most difficult 5 kilometers I've EVER run.....

Oy. I need to confess.

What a bad week for this blog. I'm embarrassed. BUT I started this to keep accountable, so here I am!! Ready to spill.

SOOOOOOooooooooo I didn't really just fall off the bandwagon last week, I LEPT from it. Couldn't have been more blatant or intentional a fall if I'd tried.

You know I was sick, and that was really true. Friday last week I was sick, on my period, and just heading OUT of the semester's classes and IN to the semester's finals....

I caved.

I opened a little baggie of candies on my work-desk that I use for prizes and gifts at events, and ate it. Now, not really all that big a deal - small baggie of candy. BUT it was Friday, not Saturday.

Then, Saturday, I ate candy like it was going out of style. Then cake, and ice cream. Then Sunday I had some ice cream with chocolate sauce. Then Monday I finished the ice cream by myself and topped it off with chocolate sauce. Between handfuls of chocolate chips.

I've been downing chocolate chips all week.

Two nights ago I had extraordinarily-wonderfully buttered popcorn at midnight while watching "The Office" and ate until my belly hurt before I passed the bowl to Mr. Man and Bravo, who was over. Then last night after dinner I made this amazing not-quite-caramel popcorn to go with "Transformers." I REALLY wanted to go for a run yesterday, clear the last of this cold, and work out the I-had-two-finals-this-week tension buuuuut it didn't work with Little Miss yesterday. So we substituted with the movie.

This morning I was going to run on Optimus Prime but had a couple of leads for work AAAND was expecting someone for lunch (who didn't show! Sad...) so cleaned and tidied the house, showered, and got dressed. I guess theoretically I still have time today, but I don't have time today. Little Miss should wake up from her nap at any moment, and I have choir practice tonight that will take up my entire evening.

At least I won't be able to stuff my face...

Thankfully ShopGirl hasn't called in for my results for the challenge, but if she does I'd say it's safe to assume I did NOT win, though I haven't checked anything lately. My pants still fit....

In two days I'm to participate in my first ever race. I'm scared out of my mind, and I haven't run in over a week. Due to the cold, at first, and today to my being a lazy bum.

Someone yell at me and get me back on track, will ya'??


So you may have guessed by the constantly changing layouts and colour-schemes that I AM still here. I just got SICK, yet again, so haven't been all that...well, anything other than a bump on a log, really. Except my log is a chair.

On a happy note, two classes to go 'till the END!!

...except finals....

(Stay tuned!)