Am I converting to nerdism?

I usually REALLY do not enjoy XKCD - it's this online comic strip that Mr. Man, the super-nerd, LOVES and reads religiously. Well, more than religiously...BOOM! ;) hahaha ANYway. He reads them, howls with laughter (or his version of 'howling') and then insists that I read them....they're NEVER funny. NEVER. Okay, I think maybe ONCE I cracked a smile. MAYBE. They just don't do it for me.

The one he shared with me today is friggin' HILARIOUS:

(Check them out at


Shop Girl* said...

Hahahah I love these comics!!

Red said...

You and Mr. Man, eh? I'm starting to think I'm the only one who doesn't regularly find these funny... ;) hahaha

THIS one is hilarious. I swear I've had that exact conversation on numerous occasions!