It's the SECOND day of school.

I don't know what happened to me the other day - I got 'in trouble' on Facebook from my SIL for being a downer about my return to campus. It just hit me and I kinda' internally (and bloggingly!) freaked out a little bit. hahaha

BUT I'm back. I've had all my classes so far but one (which I'm currently waiting for to start... first day of a class the prof rarely lectures for the full scheduled time, so here I sit killing an hour I'm supposed to be in class....siiiiiiiiiiigh) and no more panic attacks. I know a good chunk of the students in each of my classes except one second-year class I'm taking for 'fun' so far (and really, I don't CARE if the 19-year-olds on campus acknowledge my existence or not), actually have a good pal in three of my classes.... this is going to be fine.

And then I'll be DONE.

Anyway, just wanted to check in and let you know sanity has resumed, I CAN do this, and life is good.

Though I do miss my Little Miss. :(


Anonymous said...

Listen here you ... suck it up buttercup!!!!!!

Yesss its hard to go to school when you have young children but you have to remember that you are doing this so that you can provide a better life for them.

ANDDDD ... its not like its your first year ... you should be use to it!!!!!