
I have started writing this post so many times and just never got around to finishing it, posting it, whatever. hahaha AND I just finished writing a friend who was kind enough to check in with me and realized, OHMIGOSH, I just finally wrote my blogpost! hahaha Soooooooo here's the not-so-skinny:

A couple of weeks ago I was chatting via Skype with this gal pal of mine who I just think the WORLD of - I aspire to be her. hahaha At least outwardly, this gal has got it ALL together AND she's absolutely stunning. She's one of those girls everyone wishes they could hate because she makes the rest of us look bad, but you can't hate her because she's too darn friggin awesome. ;) Whoa, tangent much?

Anyway, we were chatting and I don't even remember what was said but something about taking to her and not being who I want to be or doing what I want to be doing made me feel ridiculoulsy self-concious, embarrased, whatever.

So, here's what I've written to her the last couple of weeks. Cheers!

Subject: So, I'm fat.

hahaha APPARENTLY chatting with you last night was the kick I needed. I don't know.

Anyway, I'm DETERMINED to get on top of my eating problems. Spent the morning planning the week's meals, all to fit in the 30-day plan, and got back from a very successful 30-day-plan grocery shop.

Mr. Man and I have been saying for weeks we need to get back at it, need to get back at it, need to get back at it......

Soooo thanks for letting me vent for a minute 'cause, this week at least, I'm back on board. I WANT TO FIT MY PANTS!!!


You're hilarious. Thanks for the kudos, but I'm sure they're undeserved - I've been battling with myself for, well, long enough that I've gotten nice and chuuuubby! hahaha

I may use you, I haven't decided yet. O:-) I'm trying to get back into blogging, but when I went to blog about this after chatting with you it just didn't get done - had to make the meal plan, grocery list, do the groceries, and then chase my kid around! By the time I got a moment we were already STARTED and I missed the blog post. hahaha Maybe tomorrow??

Fast Sunday, though? KILLING me! But I have a 30-day-challenge recipe "broccoli & red pepper soup" simmering on the stove waiting for me!! ....dunno how I missed trying this one last time around - it looks and smells GREAT!

I think I'm just so awed by YOU, you gorgeous thing, that talking to you when I'm NOT at or looking my best is, quite frankly, HUMILIATING. hahaha Just like, hot dang, I SHOULD have this together.

Anyway, thanks again! For sure chat soon!
A super-starving ME!

(In response to her question to me - "so, how's it going? Still eating the 30-day Fit-to-life plan?")



Last week it was like everything on the planet was conspiring against me...including my evil inner daemons! Grrrrrrr... I've done a couple 10K runs to try to compensate... O:-) And because I wanted to get back to being somewhat comfortable with that distance, but OY oy oy the FOOD!

So we were great for about a week... and then it was time-to-go-to-groceries afternoon, and my darling girlie thought putting her teeny hand on a burning-hot stove was a good idea, so instead of me doing groceries for my awesome meal-plan I got stuck at home all afternoon with a screaming invalid! (She's totally fine, just her first real burn - ouch!)

The NEXT day I had rehearsal (I'm doing this play again... glutton for punishment or what? hahaha) but Mr. Man agreed to brave Saturday grocery-shopping and get the list for me. Which was great. Hooray!

Except he forgot that WW in front of pasta = whole wheat.

And I needed a small bag of marshmallows to make fudge for a YSA activity, but he was afraid to get too few so got the giant-sized costco-pack of marshmallows.....

....just a few the-man-did-the-groceries quirks that were disheartening. (I have BIG issues with marshmallows. Weird, I know.)

That night we had tickets to go to see "Billy Elliot" in Toronto with my parents, and every time we go to the theatre we get Hagen Daz at intermission, so I KNEW that was coming up, and ate pretty vegetarian-healthy in preparation! hahaha But Mr. Man's darling mother, who came down to our house to babysit for us for the night, showed up with a huge box of icing-doused cinnimon buns for Sunday breakfast.......and dinner with my parents was a huge helping of chicken with butter/sugar-doused vegetables.

Then the NEXT day, at church, after succumbing to the oozing icing for breakfast by my oh-so-kind-and-horribly-tempting-MIL, the RS president mentions to me, oh-you're-having-the-elders-for-dinner-tonight-right? WHAT?! I'd already put a new squash+lentil soup in the crock-pot in the morning, and there DEFINITELY wasn't enough for four adults plus Little Miss AND we'd just had them a few days earlier and served...wait for it... LENTIL SOUP! I mean, COME ON!! So I frantically ran around when I got home to see what I could make to satiate the Elders, and came up with my mom's hommade mac n' cheese recipe - which is DELICIOUS, but definitely not 30-day-plan friendly. So we had that and the lentil/squash soup on the side.

Then what? OH yes! Then Monday was VALENTINE'S day, which, honestly, is SO not a big deal at our house. AT ALL. But Mr. Man and I have recently been called as the YSA advisors in our ward and so were preparing for our first YSA Little Miss and I got to baking - the fudge mentioned earlier and icing-laced sugar cookies.

There's a lot of icing left over when you make cookies.

And there are a lot of cookies left over when you only have three YSA come to your first event.

AAAAAaaand by that time my perfect week's meal plan was totally thrown out the window - we were so off what we were supposed to be eating when and where and with whom and whatever it was just let's try to use up these groceries week. :(

WHY is it so HARD?!

SO I'd kinda' decided to throw in the towel and forget it - I'll just work up to running 10K 5 or 6 times a week, and then who gives a crap if I eat the extra marshmallows by the handful everytime I wander through the kitchen?? I mean, really.

THEN I got your message yesterday.....

So today I will be hitting the grocery store to fill our kitchen with the things we need for the following to get us through 'till Saturday:

tonight's dinner: Eggplant-tomato stew

breakfast: oatmeal & an orange
lunch: scrambled eggs with veggies (30-day recipe)
dinner: Sweeny Todd Stew (30-day portabella mushrooms & beans recipe)

Breakfast: banana & orange (I love this breakfast combo!)
Lunch: spinach/lettuce salad with nuts, seeds, chick peas, etc.
dinner: vegetarian chili with whole wheat pasta

Breakfast: Kristen's smoothie recipe (30 day, obviously)
Lunch: More yummy salad, possible dip into leftovers
Dinner: vegetable stew
Friday night - book club meeting will include Italian foods i.e. lasagna, caesar salad, bread.... it's my planned food dalliance

Breakfast: yummy smoothie recipe from Epicure (DELISH! Similar to yours, but with some epicure seasoning)
Lunch: leftovers
Dinner: 30-day rolled eggplant...but we've adjusted it into a pasta sauce - it's SSOOOOOOOO yummy!

I ran 10K yesterday, and am currently planning to run 5 tomorrow, 10 Thursday, and then 5 on Saturday.

....fingers crossed....

Sorry for such a long response, but there it is. AAAAAAND I may just steal this whole thing and post it on my blog, because I've been MEANING to post it all for some time now.

THANKS for checking on me! I need it! hahaha