Say it with me now:
Well, I LOVE corn sooooo pooh on you!
Ready for my first Thankful Thursday list of 5 things I'm grateful for?? (Yes, just five. I'm too through-my-fingers-verbose to do ten at one go). Okay, here it goes:
I know, right? Stupid, but I DO love corn. Whoever first saw the stuff growing there on the stalk and said, hot dang, let's peel this back and see if it's edible, THANK you! I love it on the cob, from the can, from frozen, popped, caramelized, candied, mixed with vegetables, smothered with butter and salts & spices... mmmmmm......
Yeah, that's right. You know you're suddenly hankering for some fresh-popped buttery goodness. MMMMmmmm.....
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(See? I'm not always totally, only a dunderhead!)
This kinda' blows my mind, especially reflecting on history and how things used to be, especially for women. But me? I can do WHATEVER THE HECK I WANT, and that's a-okay. I mean, obviously within reason. My choices should be what's good (best!) for my family.... but even being at THAT state, where I have to consider my husband and daughter when making decisions, that was a CHOICE, or a series of choices. I had/have options. I can be who I want, when I want, where I want, how I want, and do what I want. I can choose to wear PANTS for goodness' sake - and who wouldn't, really? I mean, I dunno about you, but even at my super-dee-duper skinniest the very tops of my thighs kinda' slap together when I walk soooo even when I'm wearing a skirt or a dress for some reason I'm wearing shorts underneath; the slapslapslapslap HURTS after a while!!
I can choose to be educated or not. I can choose to work or not - seriously, WHAT a blessing to have CHOICE on that matter! CRAZY! I can choose to stay home and raise my kid, pursue my career while raising my kid, let someone else raise my kid, I could have chosen to not HAVE a kid. I can choose to have more kids.
(Don't worry - just because I CAN choose something, doesn't mean I HAVE to... that's the beauty of it! LOVE it!)
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(Ummm.... CRAZY I found that picture, because Mr. Man and I actually have this blanket on our bed! hahaha I KNOW it's kinda' ugly...and weird - seriously? a panther on the bed? COME ON - but he got it when he was in Korea, and it is the ultimate comfy, snuggly blanket, and perfect for freezing winter nights overtop of our duvet....'s greatest NAP blanket)
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I don't know about you, but laughing is a big part of my life. O:-) Some of my best and favourite family memories are of my mother and I cackling in tandem at some ridiculously hilarious thing the boys had done/said. Or, more recently, I was venting and exaggerating about something that was bothering me while she was driving.... we were laughing so hard we were both definitely tearing up, and Mom's ability to stay on the road was greatly compromised.....
What are some of the best sounds in life, though? Seriously. I LIVE to hear Little Miss laugh, a good Earth-shaking belly laugh. It's adorable, delightful, it makes ME laugh, smile.... laughing together makes all the problems in the world go away and floods us with happiness. Even if just for that moment, laughter rocks.
Think about it - some of the best paid people EVER make oodles of money MAKING PEOPLE LAUGH! That's it, that's all! You're funny? BOOyah! Here's a job, do your thing.
And I'm totally okay with that.
It shares, it bonds, it relieves tension. It's medicine, exercise, enlightening, fun. It's common, binding, ice-breaking, all-inclusive, transcendent. It's the best way to end an argument.
Thanks for all the laughs, my family, my friends, you funny people out there, my favourite funny websites, my LIFE..... thanks.
It's an easy space lift, addition, change, refresher.... communicates bits of personality, tastes, idiosyncrasies..... and it's FUN.....
....especially with a helper as awesome as this!
Voila! 5 things I'm thankful for. See you next week for another Thankful Thursday!
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