YES I've been busy lately. I have exercised some, but I'm not going to lie, it hasn't been any great accomplishment or anything. Even our soccer game last week was pathetic - we lost 10-0 against a team that definitely should not have been in our league, but that's besides the point.
FUNNY thing I've noticed now that I'm a 'runner' (HA!) - I NEED to run. I haven't regularly for a little while now and I can FEEL it - I get all tense and worked up and stressed, YES because I'm juggling too many things at once, but running takes me out of all that and I just like, pound it out in the run. It gets all my freaked-out-ed-ness and works it out. Anyway, so if you feel like you're going to die, add some STRENUOUS exercise to your life and see if it helps you breathe a bit.
Yoga's awesome for that, too, obviously. ;) And pilates. And especially, my favourite hybrid, yogilates!!
Well, after all that talk about how I need to run, today I met up with Mi to go for a run and apparently we had a LOT to just TALK about - we started our run off with a couple laps walking to warm up which turned into about an hour of walking. We realized about 30 minutes in what we'd done and picked up the walking pace a bit, not that we'd been going slowly at all, other than of course we were WALKING so we weren't setting any land-speed records. ANYWAY, just before the hour was up we did RUN, and I mean RUN 1 km - goal was to do it in 5 minutes or less and, sadly, I did it in 5:08. But WHOA what a weird feeling - my arms were like, tingling and all heavy feeling and I saw a few stars - Mi's guess is we probably used all our regular energy stores up with our super-walk and then we full on just started running - yeah, my body's not totally trained for that yet. ANYWAY. If we ever have another hour-long walk-rant again I'll shave off those eight seconds. I can do hard things! hahaha
I will get back on track the rest of the week, though I may not be able to get a run in (boo) unless I land at my parents' on the weekend, which is possible, so keep tabs on me!! IF not running, though, then something. Promise!!
New Testament Class Post
6 years ago
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