Counting down...

Today is November 3rd. Classes for this semester are finished on November 27th. I officially declare that it's time to count it down: 24 days + finals to go.

If I can get through this next week and a half then I'm good to go! I have a paper due Thursday, another next Tuesday, two tests next Monday and another next Tuesday. SO five pretty big things coming up with time rapidly running short. I'm trying to get it all done and stay on top of everything, but if you know me at all, which some of you don't, this is going to be MUCH easier said than done!!

Is not near over yet, but as I'm going for maximizing my available time I figured I'd start my post for today now and finish it later. Which, I realize, I didn't really have to explain because I'm not going to actually hit "publish post" until I'm finished this evening, but there ya' go.

So, SO FAR today, I went for just a short run, 3.4km. I wasn't feeling it today, my back is bugging me and I have tonnes of other stuff to do!! The plan at this point is still, with all that stuff I have to do this week, to get my dear yogilates back in and strengthen/stretch out my poor lower back so it doesn't bug me so much when I'm running and playing soccer! (Dr. Rex thinks that my back pain is brought on by some weakness in my back which would be one reason why the yogilates was helping! TIME constraints!!)

Okay, back to class, and I'll fill you in on everything else LATAH! ;)

Bad news. Today has NOT played out as I hoped. I didn't mention but over the weekend we had some furnace trouble and so poor Mr. Man has been home today dealing with different people in and out of the house giving quotes and gathering information to replace the furnace. Anyway, I got out of my motor control class early, came home hoping to grab a small bite 'cause I was starving and use my free hour to squeeze in yogilates, but poor Mr. Man seemed so overloaded with information he had to spew it all out on me, which stressed ME out because I was trying to squeeze stuff in the small space in time anyway....AND yogilates didn't happen. I figured that's okay, I'll do it when Little Miss goes to bed. Anyway, Little Miss for goodness only knows WHAT reason tonight, didn't get to bed 'till like, an hour and a half after bed time, and by that time my nerves were completely shot (and in desperate need of calming yogilates!!!) and I was doing homework (see above - I HATE these dumb assignments! Useful assignments are fine and dandy. Dumb ones are dumb.) and then Mr. Man and I got in a "heated discussion" and NOW it's 10:06 and I really don't think it will be good for my tonight's happiness-going-to-bed-next-to-Mr.-Man-ness if I spend the next hour working out instead of, well, something more the-two-of-us-ish.

Tomorrow, please try to hold me accountable for yogilates and a Wii Fit measure - I haven't done that since...I don't remember, but I'm sure you can find it sometime in October! hahaha

Here, though, is a pic, though not of the jelly doughnut, and not uber recent - from my birthday weekend.

I think a little progress, at least, is visible! :) (Don't say it's not 'cause that'll just be mean!)


Julie Weiss said...

looking good!

Anonymous said...

It's a great photo! And you can see progress in the face too, I noticed that on Sunday!