Free time filler

So I don't know what happened this week, but wonderfully I had three lectures and two labs cancelled due to profs and T.A.s being away at conferences and ONE case of hey-there's-a-test-coming-take-a-break!! SO I've had some "free time" to do things I wouldn't normally finish homework, study, and/or fit in an extra run! It's been absolutely FANTASTIC!!

Oh, totally on another note, I learned what I thought was the coolest horrific thing today in a class I had that WASN'T cancelled. ;) Lemme go find it, hang on.....

OKAY, so I don't know how much sense this is going to make here, but I thought it was incredibly interesting. We were talking about Types I and II diabetes in class and how either the wonder-drug-hormone insulin OR the contraction of muscle (i.e. exercise) amps up the body's response to glycogen blah blah blah...but basically that muscle contraction (say it with me now - EXERCISE) is going to have the same or very very similar effect as an insulin injection to counter-act diabetes. Okay, crazy, eh? WELL, THEN we were told WHY doctors won't tell their patients this - can you BELIEVE your doctor wouldn't tell you that?? BASICALLY in the medical profession there's a push for "evidence-based-treatments", which sounds great to me, 'cause then I know my doctor has something backing up his claim, right? Right?? Well, maybe.... Evidence-based means that there has to have been some peer-reviewed study done and published and all what-not AND studying things costs money, of course. Well, hello, who the heck do you think pays for the studies? DRUG COMPANIES!!! So like, the only "evidence" for treatment your doctor has access to you cure what ails you is what the drug companies have paid for him to be able to tell you. They're obviously not going to pay to find out if exercise is going to cure your diabetes problem after a meal because that's going to put them out of insulin business - I'd DEFINITELY rather run than stick myself with needles. (I'm SO grateful not to have experienced diabetes and pray it stays that way!)

Okay, so you may have already known all that, but it just blew my mind to have it explained so horrifically clearly to me. That's why if you go to the hospital for a pain in your back they give you some pills to pop whereas if you go for a massage or chiropractic treatment you're actually going to have someone pay attention to the PROBLEM. GAH!

Ran with Mi, but I only lasted for 3K - previous to the run I'd been limping around campus with an incredible pain shooting through my back - that evil one that rears its head sometimes and I write about. ANYway, it was acting up and I didn't want to push it too far 'cause I had soccer tonight, so I stopped after 3 so as not to impair my ability to walk/limp back to my car. Did some yoga stretches though, which felt amazing in the painful area, so there we go.
Soccer - lost 2-1. I played like a bum for the first half, but then got my head in the game, I think. Tough team we played. Still fun, but lots of concentration needed, which makes it a slight bit less FUN and more effort, you know? Anyway. That's that.

Wii Fit measures:
Weight 173.1 lbs
BMI: 27.81