Procrastination, thy name be Red*

Ohmigosh. You know when you just have TOO much to do and you don't do any of it? It's just crashing in around you on all sides and you just....blaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.....

That is a description of my every day life.


I am a MASTER fritterer.

Like, right now. I'm writing a blog post and uploading Hallowe'en pictures to Facebook. What should/could I be doing?? Let's see...
- tidying up dinner from SATURDAY night
- LAUNDRY - OH how badly I need to do laundry. MUST MUST clean knickers at some point today....
- put away Hallowe'en costume/decorations box
- put the TABLE back where it goes and was moved from on Saturday. For dinner.
- run the dishwasher. After I LOAD the dishwasher.
- make the bed
- prep for 50-minute presentation on type 1 diabetes on Thursday - meet with prof TOMORROW to discuss presentation (so basically have to have it DONE by tomorrow)
- finish researching/writing about non-haematological models for performance improvement due to training at altitude for cardiorespiratory physiology group project, also due Thursday.
- send out November newsletter for scrapbooking business
- finish how ever many cards I have left to get to 100 cards in preparation for craft sale on Saturday
- make get-well-soon card for paying customer
- go for a run (finally feel up to it again after that stupid flu!)
- finish getting Little Miss ready for the day...

JUST to name a few.

Okay, now that I'm actually SEEING the list...I'm going to stop writing here. ;) For now, anyway. hahaha


Shop Girl* said...

Oooh good luck getting everything done!!