
If you've ever been to my house you know that as a family we are totally disorganized.  We're all over the place.

I was a slobby kid, for sure. Mom used to have to really coerce me to clean my room, and it always took me FOREVER.  I've just never been good at seeing the mess, seeing each item's home, and putting them all away.

Except when I lived in Utah for a while.  I dunno.  Maybe because I was SUPPOSED to be studying at school?  But I cleaned all my and my roomates' dishes and tidied the kitchen like, daily, and YES my room would be a disaster, but I would self-motivate and clean it SPOTless before I could sit down and focus on my homework.  That room of mine would glisten.

No mommy to make me do it, either!

....I kinda' flunked out, though.....

Yup, balance is one of my super-strong points.  oy

I don't know remember when in our married life it became a problem.  I feel like we've been having the same issue, fight, conversation, whatever, since the day we got married, but looking back there must have been a START, you know? One of us was the first to not put something away and then the other would have followed suit until the craziness that is us fully reared its ugly ugly ugly head.  And we can sit and talk and strategize until we're both blue in the face - me from talking and Mr. Man from holding his breath waiting for me to STOP talking? KIDDING - but we never get on top of it.

It's really really disheartening.

I KNOW it's a clutter problem. There's just TOO MUCH STUFF.

But after a several-hundred-dollar-costing pick up from the junk company of a ginormous pile of stuff we threw into the backyard, it didn't get better.  Like, the day after the pick up you couldn't tell we'd gotten rid of anything.

Regular piles of donations and trips to Goodwill doesn't cut it down.

Most recently we donated 7 garbage bags PLUS to Canadian Diabetes Association in their neighbourhood pickup.

Not even a dent in the problem.

Which I find REALLY REALLY disheartening, because we don't bring a lot INto the house - we can't afford it!  hahaha  We're not out constantly adding to our collection because we haven't any money with which to do so, so when we oust something that should be that, right?

Which means we're REALLY just super-dee-duper slovenly.

And it's not a habit I know how to break.

And it SUCKS because this is my JOB. I'm the MOM, currently a stay-at-home Mom, soooooo my job description includes all this everything-in-the-house.  Not going to lie, housekeeping has never ever ever ever eeeeeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvver been my dream job.  Ever.  And I'm terrible at it.


Front entrance, closet side

Front entrance, window-side. Pretty sure that green thing is mostly full of literal garbage.  AND there's crap piled in the window-sill.

Livingroom from entrance. Children's place bag full of hand-me-downs I have to sort through (I love hand-me-downs, except all the additional work they mean).

Sit at your own risk!

At least there's more than a pathway of floor, but man does it need to be de-crumbed. View from livingroom to diningroom.

Every single surface in my house looks like this.

Top of the piano.

That painting of Little Miss' on the left is the top sheet of a pile of papers including umpteen paintings of hers, epicure ordering information, and sheet music. The file on the right is the file about our bathroom renovation.

Surfaces, nooks, crannies.... can't get in to de-dust-bunny 'cause of all the stuff, wires, etc.

This is where I'm currently sitting.  I tried to clear it the other day but got in trouble for un-organizing the organized mess of bills..... we lose stuff here daily.

Hide it behind the curtain in the windosill.  You CAN see these piles from outside. There's a laptop in one corner that was diagnosed DOA probably close to a year ago.

The view to the kitchen from the diningroom.  Don't you just itch to eat food from here?

And here?

The view of the playroom from the kitchen.

The playroom looks like this after Little Miss & the daycare kiddies from last week decided to dump all the toys from the giant bin we keep in there - the bin is better to use as a car, bathtub, boat, hiding place, etc etc than a place to store toys - aaaaand Little Miss went on a paper-cutting frenzy, sitting in the playroom with her scissors chopping up everythnig in sight.  Great for fine-motor-skill development, not so great for cleanliness.

One side of Little Miss' bedroom.

The other side. Stickers falling off the wall (any suggestions for how to get those things to STAY ON? They're SO CUTE but becoming the bane of my home's decor) aaaaand an explosion of the in-the-bedroom toy bin onto the end of the unmade bed. Apparently there was a party after lights-out last night.

With the bathroom reno finished we've been working, for weeks now, on the paint job. So the bathroom extras reside in the hall.  Tight space to fit through to get to our room.

Bagged and boxed bathroom stuff waiting for me to finally finish painting.
The unfinished bathroom paint job. It WILL look amazing when I finally get it finished, I've decided, but oy it's a lot of work.

Our hoarders-esque bedroom. Note you can't see the tops of dressers, the shelf on the wall over there that's been in a need-to-move-that spot for about a year - I have a scar on my shoulder from running into it getting into bed.

So before you freak on me and go all-clean-the-dang-house-why-are-you-BLOGGING, hear me out.  I will clean it today.  I've already supervised Little Miss cleaning up her playroom (there IS a floor under all that, all the toys are back in the bin, the paper pieces are in the garbage, the puzzles back on the shelf....), run the dishwasher, put away some of the clean dishes that were out from a party we went to on the weekend.... I will get it to a tolerable state today.  At least, parts of it. The livingroom, diningroom...hopefully I'll get a few more stripes painted in the bathroom tonight after Little Miss goes to bed.

But I have been trying my darndest since I graduated last year and being a mom became my full-time employ to get on top  of this house.  And I can't.  I. Can't. Do. It. 

I don't know WHY.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I don't know why I work so hard and clean and tidy and organize and get on top of one room and every single other corner of the house has become uninhabitable (don't even get me STARTED on our basement, which I did NOT go on a photo-frenzy with).  And YES I know it doesn't have to be perfect - mess means lived in and sometimes indicates a healthy prioritized household, but come on. Did you SEE the pictures?? There's a line, and we're WAY WAY WAY over it. And this is the more-normal-than-not state of our house.

I couldn't even hire a maid to come in and clean and help me because there are no friggin surfaces to be found for all the piles of crap everywhere! 

So I'll work at it today. I'll find the counters in the kitchen and get the dishes put away. But I won't get the stickers back up on the wall in Little Miss' room or clear the floor in our bedroom.  Again.  I'll tidy and dust around the tv and in the livingroom, but I'll never find a 'home' for the stinkin' nuts and bolts sitting on the end table by the couch that held Little Miss' old toddler bed together.  And maybe I'll tidy the computer desk, and then none of our bills will get paid because I'll have totally knackered the piles. 

The only thing I know for sure about my house is that I am absolutely 100% incapable of fixing this by myself, but have no alternative.  It's discouraging to know that forever and always you are destined to spend your life spinning your wheels getting nowhere.

Back to the useless grind I go!


Heather said...

Oh, Red, I love your darling house! I have always been curious to see it and it is so cute, I just wish I could spend the day getting it into ship shape with you. I wish I lived closer and I would seriously be there. Hang in there! You can do it!! xoxox

Elisabeth said...

You're brave posting all those pictures. You should totally use those to enter one of these HGTV shows where they come and give you a free home reno. Who wouldn't love a free home reno? I gotta tell you, my kitchen looks a lot like your kitchen right now except there's fabric scraps and a glue gun on my kitchen table. Ahhh the joys of being a busy busy mom.

Limelight Interiors said...

Hey Red, I don't know how I happened upon your blog, but I did. I want to tell you a little about myself: My name is Jackie. I am the oldest of 3 kids and I lived in a home where the saying "cleanliness is next to Godliness" was coined! If I didn't tidy up after myself, my mother would and then she'd complain incessantly! I shared a bedroom with my OCD sister who even put toothpaste on her brush the night before! (made me smile when she complained it had hardened over night!) Anyways, somewhere between living with the "rents" and getting married and having 4 children of my own, I realized I hated messes. I ran an in-home daycare and I still had my house cleaned every weekend (no company permitted unless!) Now, 23 years later I am a professional home stager, organizer and redesign consultant. I want to help you and I have a FREE offer for you. If you're interested, read on... I live in Dunnville (moved from Burlington 5 years ago) and my company is Limelight Interiors: Home staging, organization, redesign. You can check out my blog: http://limelightinteriors.blogspot.com for my contact info and I'll wait to hear from you. If you would prefer to work this out on your own, I get that but then take some time to check out flylady.com (very helpful and inspiring) I wish you all the best in gaining control! An organized home reduces stress and gives you time to enjoy the things you love!

Ninon said...

Get 4 boxes. The boxes oranges or apples come in are great. Label them "Give Away" "Throw Away" "Put Away" and "Store." Give away and Throw away are self-explanatory, but put away is for items that do not belong in the room you are currently in, and Store is for items not currently in use, but you can't toss.

Choose a room. Maybe start with the Living Room. Set a timer for 45 minutes. Work around the room putting things in the 4 boxes. If you need more boxes, then so be it. Just label and fill them.

When the timer beeps, walk away and take 15 minutes to do something you want to. Play with Little Miss, blog, read, go for a walk, whatever.

Then - set the timer for another 45 minutes, and repeat the whole exercise.

When you have finished the ONE room, go through the house putting away the items in the put away box (that box keeps you from being distracted from other things in your house. It keeps you focused on one room at a time). Put the items in the "Give Away" box in a bag to take to Sally Ann (or whomever) and put the items in the "Throw Away" box into a trash bag. You could use white trash bags for give away, and black for throw away. Put the give away bags into your car. Get them out of your house. Do a Sally Ann Run every couple of days until you find yourself clear. Put the "Store" boxes in your basement.

When you have finished all the house - THEN tackle the store boxes. You will find more things there that you want to give/throw away as you go through them.

This works. I have done it. You can do it too. As you get a room clean, work to keep it clean. Your enemy is "here for now." Don't ever put anything "here for now," and train Mr Man and Little Miss as well. Hang in there. New habits are hard to acquire but it will come.

And - after supper and dishes are done, set a timer for 15 minutes and all of you tidy the house for 15 minutes. It makes a huge difference.

I also recommend flylady.com.

Best of luck!

Auntie N

Limelight Interiors said...

Good morning Red. I thought about you first thing this morning so I checked my blog to see if you had "visited". Here's my FREE offer:
Option #1: depending on where you live, I would like to come and visit you in your home and help you completely organize 1 space/room
Option #2: if you are not comfortable with me coming to your home, I would like to "coach" you privately via email (not blogger) and help you get organized.

Why am I offering this to you for FREE? What's in it for me? Well, I know what it feels like to be disorganized and I simply want to help (yup, that's the truth!) and all I ask in return is for "anonymous" BEFORE and AFTER photos and perhaps a testimonial on how things went and how you feel when they're done. That's it.

I will not contact you regarding this offer again, I do not want to hound you. You need to feel ready (kind of like quitting smoking, gimmicks will never work but self-discipline will!) Check out "client say" on my blog and read about (and see the pictures) of a recent home office project I worked on. I'll be thinking about you today and if you can only get one thing done today, try cleaning you cutlery drawer while you're waiting for water to boil or the stove to preheat! All the best, hope to hear from you...