Back, and faster than ever!

Well, we're BACK! And it's finally time to tell you all about it! I know, I know. You're just as excited as I am by the whole thing, I know.

Actually, we've been back for a few days now, but this is the first time I've found to tell you about it, SO I have to tell you ALL about Ottawa *ahem* I mean, last week's exercising ;) aaaaaand how it's been going (GANGBUSTERS!) since we got back.

FIRST I just have to say, I don't know WHERE the camera with my pictures went. I just went to grab it so I can upload wonderful photos of my family and I being active in the blistering cold for your enjoyment aaaaaaand it's missing. Incognito. Disparu. I wonder if it got left at my mom's yesterday.... And of course it just FIGURES because I always always always promise photos and never ever ever post them. I'm a bad person. Okay, so now we know, we've accepted it, we can move on.

OTTAWA: Last week, as I said, we went to Ottawa. We left home Sunday afternoon, arrived Sunday night and spent 'till Thursday morning interloping on the fantastic hospitality of one of my favourite it-girls, Ferret-Mama. We had SUCH a good visit and relaxing time, and I will be completely honest - because it was a relatively SHORT stay I didn't even TAKE my workout/running gear with me. I had ample time during the rest of the week to at least maintain my training up until this point so took a few days off!! I know, shocker, right? Can you believe it? I'm a running phenom and I took time OFF?! (Riiiiiiiiiiiiight......phenom....... What's the purpose of this blog again?)

BUT just because I (we - Mr. Man was with me!) didn't 'workout' doesn't mean we spent EVERY day on the couch!! On Monday we wandered (read: WALKED = MOVED = EXERCISE! BOOM baby!) over to the lake and skated (EXERCISE!) along to the Rideau Canal, which was SO much fun, except for the fact that it was cold enough for an entire lake and canal to be frozen solid enough that people skate on it to work . AND Little Miss wasn't a HUGE fan, though she had a great view from her stroller, which took to the ice like it was made for it.

Also Monday was 'Family Day' in Ontario so Ferret-Mama & the Ultimate Boyfriend, Freedom Jackson (HA hahaha), had the day off work so they took us to downtown and we wandered (= exercise!) all over downtown for about an hour and a half and saw a bunch of the (outsides of) sites, took silly tourist pictures, and had a (freezing cold) blast. (Mr. Man and I were definitely the only people in downtown Ottawa on Monday stupid enough to not be wearing mittens - when we left home it was like SPRING so it never occurred to my dumb little brain that I'd need mittens....)

Tuesday we hid from the cold inside and let poor Little Miss sleep off some of the exhaustion she'd built up over the traveling and a couple of late nights.

But WEDNESDAY, again Mr. Man, Little Miss and I hit the lake for some more skating.

See? It's easy to stay 'active' on vacation!! ;) hahaha

SINCE getting back: Thursday night I ran about 20 minutes on Optimus Prime but was (happily) interrupted when my mommy called. (She did offer to call back but I was looking for any excuse 'cause, well, it's me and that's what I do best!)

THEN I got an e-mail from the Drill Sargent, Mi, asking if I was as insane as she is and 'wanted' to meet at school at 8AM to RUN and then STUDY. At SCHOOL. At EIGHT. During my week OFF. WHAT the heck is that girl ON?!?! Psycho.... SO I went up to the school (she was late after sleeping in - HA!!) FOR 8:30 and we ran 5K. In 28:33. Yup, that's right. Twenty-eight minutes and thirty-three seconds. My previous best time? Do you remember? 29:20. I know, I know. I'm a machine.

Today Mi and I had a midterm in our Training Principles class, finished with an hour to spare before our next class, and fit in another 5K run. I got a HORRID stitch part way through but still managed to finish under 29 minutes: 28:45. And also today we did some activity in a lab for another class, but I won't bore you with all that nonsense.

The moral of the story? Go on vacation to bust your best times. ;) hahaha

OH and just quick before I finish - ShopGirl got me on this Twenty-Something-Bloggers site thing. If you happen to be from there and think I'm an idiot, well, I AM but I'm still definitely in the learning curve part of 20SB so be PATIENT with me and I'll get it. I just haven't had time to devote to figuring it out yet... I think I'm supposed to thank people for adding me as a friend? But it all happened while I was away and I missed a lot of it... Okay, that's enough grovelling for now.

I'm the greatest runner in the world!!



Shop Girl* said...

AH! Way to go!!!!!! I'm so impressed with your progress!! I'm still trying to figure out where I am--the treadmills at my gym are in miles not kilometeres so I'm still working on the conversion. haha