Okay, so MYSELF, I'M clean. Like, I showered today and I even used soap!! PROMISE!! But my HOUSE?? TOTALLY different story. Not only is this thing untidy but underneath all the clutter I'm CERTAIN is dirt. There must be. Because I haven't been able to rummage through the clutter well enough to CLEAN the dirt in...well, I don't think I'll admit to you how long. hahaha
WHY is this relevant?? I want to to some yogilates tonight - Little Miss is in bed, Mr. Man's on his way home from work and we have a stay-at-home-and-play-a-game date, and I figure, HEY what the heck? I'm in a weight-loss challenge and seriously seriously need to get back with the yogilates to complement my awesome running, why not? THEN I look in what used to be my living room, where I usually DO the yogilates. Yeah. Not going to happen. Like not a chance in h*ll, which is apparently where I reside.
I have been TIDYING and CLEANING all week and I CANNOT get on top of this. Driving me NUTS. It's Mr. Man's birthday on Monday and at the moment I think the plan is for all my in-laws to descend upon us Sunday to partay - where the heck am I going to put them? Currently they won't be able to get in the door, let alone sit down somewhere!!
SOOOOOOO no yogilates tonight. I'm going BACK to my cleaning.
AND on a TOTALLY different note:
You have GOT to go check out this FANTASTIC new blog by MrsSuzyQ a.k.a. The Treadmill Goddess. I was absolutely riveted. Give it a read and let's give her our support!! KUDOS, MrsSuzyQ; I'll be checking up on you!
cleaning can be good exercise! Tell Mr. Man I said happy birthday
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