Live for Comments

hahahaha So I have some great comments and encouragement - THANKS all!! Blue Belle and I DID run today, Steph, I do NOT want to run with you yet; I'd NEVER keep up! And SERIOUS congrats on the half-marathon on the weekend - hurry up and post your stuff so I can link to it for my little band of readers, will ya'?! GEEZE!! And Mi, absolutely I'll meet you tomorrow. ;) And YES, Jennifer Rae, I AM that craftily talented. Just don't tell anyone.... hahaha

Ran 5k with Blue Belle. FORGOT to watch the clock. Duh. I need to just set the stopwatch on my watch when I go then I don't have to remember what time I started and finished, just the ONE number of how long it was! hahaha You'd think it wouldn't have taken me this long to think of that... Hey. I've JUST finished midterms. My brain has been a little wee bit preoccupied with Forces, Action Potentials, Jack Johnson, and the Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscal Pathway! ;) (Biomechanics, Physiology, Sport History, and Motor Control. Thank goodness Sport Psych has two midterms so they're spaced nice and far from that bottle-neck!!)
Got ready to do Yogilates tonight, but decided to return a phone call first to Auntie Anj, and delightfully talked so long that I ran out of yogilates time. I am bummed to miss the yogilates because, you may be aware, I've been feeling low about my physical fitness accomplishments and/or lack thereof (I feel FAT, is what I'm saying) but THRILLED to have such a good chat with a friend. Much needed, I'd say, on both our parts. And isn't mental huzzahness part of overall well-being? So STILL good!

Going to visit with my Mr. Man, now! Ta ta!!